Hi. I'm Ogabek 😎 and Full-Stack Developer.

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Short Bio

Hello everyone, my full name is Ogabek Yuldoshev, my age is 22, I am from Uzbekistan. I have a lot of interests, music, sports and creating new things, especially love to find a solution to problems. In my eyes, the person who was able to solve the problems in front of me will continue to be a displaced person. I love to relax very much especially if it is found in nature, I like to spend more of my free time with my family, learning new things and being busy with what I like.


As a Web Developer, my role is to create new websites and platforms and develop supporting UI packages for them. Mostly I am responsible for the user interface, I usually use Typescript and Javascript and related technologies Reactjs, Nodejs. Since my task is more for the frontend, I create user interfaces in ReactJs, but sometimes the backend works, for which I use Nodejs. Nodejs is convenient and reliable for generating documents, creating chats and sending notifications. Also, I really like working with a team because it's a lot of fun with them, the biggest advantage of working with a team is that when a problem arises, you need to hear the opinions of many people, which in itself causes the solution to the problem to be solved faster.




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